Tanning Tips

How does tanning work?
Tanning beds use UV or Ultraviolet light to tan your body. Since there are three types of UV light – UVA, UVB, and UVC – tanning beds are designed to use more levels of UVA with lower levels of UVB on your skin to promote the production of melanin, the pigment that makes you look tan even if you don’t spend time under actual sunlight. The most harmful form of UV light is the UVC which tanning beds filter out so that you only get the best forms of UV light.
Why does a tan disappear?
The tan or pigmentation process occurs in the epidermis, the top skin layer. The epidermis replaces all its skin cells every 28-30 days. Cells in the inner portion of the top skin layer divide themselves, migrate to the surface, and flake off. Skin cells contain melanin, and as a result of UV exposure rises to the surface and flake off as well. Therefore, a tan can be maintained only by repeated exposure to UV light.
How long should I tan when I first start?
If you easily get sunburned, it is advisable to start with a smaller exposure time. You can then increase it gradually as you start your base tan. Once you get considerably tan from being outside and just want to maintain that color, then you can tan for a longer period of time.
But If you absolutely never get any sort of tan from the sun, keep in mind that you will not get a tan from tanning beds or booths as well, since they emit the same type of UV light.
What should I wear when I tan?
Tanning booths and beds are private areas in which you can wear whatever you like. If you feel more comfortable in your bikini or swimsuit then by all means wear it. You can also choose to go more natural and wear only your birthday suit since no one will see you. Many women, however, do choose to wear underwear so that they do not burn the more private parts of their anatomy. You will also be required to wear eye protection since your eyes, even when closed, can allow the light into them and cause permanent damage.
When shouldn’t I tan?
You should not tan if you have just done so in the past 24 hours or if you are taking photo-sensitizing medication. This will enhance the tan and often cause you to burn. Ask your doctor to be certain you can tan if you are taking any kind of medication.
Why should I use lotion ?
All our lotions are specifically designed for the indoor tanning industry; they contain ingredients to assist in achieving maximum tanning results. They are designed not only to maximize and accelerate great tanning results, but most importantly replace essential nutrients, minerals and lost moisture to your skin. Lotions also contain antioxidants to shield free radical damage
Do I need to wear an SPF lotion when I tan?
No, because SPF tanning lotions allow you to stay in the sun longer than what is considered safe for you. It is then advisable not to wear an SPF tanning lotion so that you won’t be emboldened to stay long under the scorching sun to the point of overexposing yourself.
Why do I need to wear eye protection?
Closing your eyelids is not adequate protection, your eyelids are too thin to stop ultraviolet light. For this reason you must wear eye protection when tanning at our salons.
Is there such a thing as a safe tan?
The word “safe” usually implies that an activity can be engaged in recklessly, without any fear of injury. Overexposure can result in sunburn and skin damage, which is why we teach both tanners and non-tanners alike to be intelligent about their sun exposure. Moderate sun exposure for individuals who can develop a tan is the “smartest” way to maximize the potential benefits and minimize the potential risks associated with either too much or too little sunlight.
How does indoor tanning exposure compare to the natural sun?
Your skin produces a tan the same way it does when you tan indoors or outdoors. It is difficult to make a simple comparison of the sun with that of modern indoor tanning equipment. The sun’s strength is dependent on several factors as well. When you are outdoors in the sun you cannot control the amount of ultraviolet light you are exposed to. Indoor tanning is a very controlled environment in which you can regulate the amount of ultraviolet light you are exposed to. You can gradually increase your exposure time to achieve the tan you desire without burning.
Why is moisturized skin important for a tan?
Healthy, moist skin will tan quicker, get darker and keep its tanned appearance longer because the melanin is produced rapidly and the skin also will not exfoliate as quickly when it is properly moisturized.
The Advantages of Indoor Tanning
There's a reason for this; sunlight provides the Vitamin D that the body needs to fight off feelings of depression. When the body gets low on Vitamin D, it can't fight those feelings as effectively. And of course, that's not all that the body needs Vitamin D for. Vitamin D regulates calcium which assists with kidney function and bone growth (that's why you drink your milk, right?) It is also helps improve the efficiency of the immune system and provides many other benefits to the body including possible cancer prevention. And without that Vitamin D, those benefits are lacking.
So, what are people to do when the sun isn't shining? After all, you aren't going to move away from your home or job just because it happens to be in a place that rains all of the time. And you probably don't have the option of maintaining a winter home in a sunnier hemisphere just to get your Vitamin D. So, clearly, you have to find an alternative source of Vitamin D for those times when the sun doesn't shine enough for your health. Tanning beds may be able to help provide that Vitamin D. But are they a safe source?
Absolutely. In fact, tanning beds may be a safer source of Vitamin D than spending time in the sun itself. The reason for this is that the best way for a body to get Vitamin D is through moderate exposure to UV light. When you spend time out in the sun, it's usually not for a moderate amount of time. Even if it is, you can't really tell how much exposure you're getting to UV rays because there are so many weather and location factors to take into consideration. When you tan indoors, you control the exposure to UV rays to make sure that you are getting only moderate levels, minimizing the risks of UV exposure and maximizing the benefits.
Furthermore, tanning beds are located inside of tanning salons which give you direct access to professionals who can give you advice on the best methods of tanning for Vitamin D absorption. These professionals are the first to learn about newly approved tanning lotions and new types of tanning treatment that can better maximize your tanning experience. Rather than trying to research the right way to tan outdoors, you can book a tanning bed at a salon where the information about safe tanning will be right at your fingertips.
Finally, the benefits of the tanning salon environment can help to decrease the effects of Vitamin D deficiency, at least in the area of depression. People who take the time out to enjoy the salon experience and who get the relaxation of time spent in a tanning bed are more capable of warding off the feelings of depression that can happen from low Vitamin D than are those people who simply try to wait until the sun returns. So, tanning beds are not only a safe source of Vitamin D, they're a good place to go get it."
Source: Natural-Skincare Blog
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M-F: 10am-9pmSat: 10am-6pm
Sun: 10am-6pm